Minimum's unique approach to world-class offsetting

Curating the best projects through deep due diligence

Standard certifications such as Gold Standard, VERRA, & American Carbon Registry are a useful starting point, but they are insufficent to ensure quality. There are numerous examples of these projects falling short.

Developed with leading experts, Minimum uses its own criteria to add another layer of assessment to these certifications, effectively eliminating the risk of wasted money and negative PR.

Managing portfolios to align with net-zero goals.

Offsetting projects come in lots of shapes and sizes: Renewable energy, reforestation, direct air capture, etc. — and the best approach is to have a mixture of technologies.

There are other factors too, such as evolving towards a greater proportion of removal technologies with long-lived storage. We manage everything and align to the Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting.

Tracking your offsetting purchases all in one place.

Everything is recorded and tracked in our systems. As offsets go from quoted, to purchased, to fulfilled, you’ll be fully in-the-loop, every step of the way. Insights are available to be shared with your teams and stakeholders.

Preparing materials & updates, ready to share with the world.

Communicating the good you are doing is an important part of the process, and we work closely with projects to curate regular updates that are great for sharing with your customers.

Our Projects

Charm Industrial
Charm Industrial
Wind Power in Turkey
Wind Power in Turkey
Solar Power in Dominican Republic
Solar Power in Dominican Republic
Kasigau Corridor
Kasigau Corridor
Minimum Portfolio
Minimum Portfolio